What is a bunion?

Bunions are bony protrusions that develop at the base of the big toe, causing it to angle towards the other toes. Several factors contribute to the development of a bunion, including arthritis, frequently wearing tight fitting shoes such as high heels, and advanced age. Individuals with bunions may experience pain, swelling, and difficulty finding comfortable footwear. Long-term consequences can include increased discomfort, difficulty walking, and secondary conditions like plantar fasciitis. Recognizing these symptoms early can be crucial for effective treatment.

What is a Hammertoe?

Hammertoe is a foot condition where the toe has an abnormal bend, which can happen when continuous abnormal pressure is placed on the toe. This occurs when one or more of your middle toes are longer than the big toe, and when you wear shoes that don’t fit properly.

If you have bunions, it is very likely that you have or will have hammertoes. You’re also at a higher risk when you have diabetes, arthritis, a history of toe or foot injury, or an altered gait or walk.

"Hallux valgus or bunion 02" by Lamiot is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

Prevention & Treatment

There are a number of ways to help alleviate discomfort if you’re experiencing pain due to having a bunion. Maintaining a healthy body weight to lessen the pressure put on your feet, icing and warming the affected area, and wearing wider-set footwear to avoid friction between your shoe and the bunion can help to alleviate discomfort. Some patients have also found shoe inserts to be extremely helpful for correcting the position of the foot. In more serious cases, a podiatrist may recommend surgery for treating the bunion.

If you would like more information on how to best treat your bunion, we recommend you consult with one of our podiatrists as soon as possible for professional care and proper diagnosis.